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Reading on beginning of British “Intelligence’ and learning impact of popular fiction of the time before WW1. LeQueux sold a million copies of “The Invasion of 1910”. Tks for more great and entertaining history pods.

2 days ago reply 0

good interviews with Canadian officials who explained how they are managing immigration

6 days ago reply 0

Freakonomics is the most insightful informative platform I know for unfolding complex social issues. This latest episode about dual parenting is a game changer!

17 days ago reply 0

My head exploded. Arnie Duncan a democrat, said the dept. of education, a democrat creation, signed into law by Carter, thinks its bloated out dated beauracracy. I couldn’t agree more. Lets kill it off or shrink it to a start up.

1 months ago reply 0

Funny how you dont mention Milton Freidman was a Nobel Prize winner in 1975.

1 months ago reply 1

I find it bizarre the lengths we go to treat drug addicts when working people don’t have insurance.

1 months ago reply 0

On being to smart for ones own good, or as Mama said, to big for our britches, i quote Dirty Harry: ”A man has got to know his limitations.” I would add but never stop achieving.

1 months ago reply 0

Love Freakanomics. Glenn is a brilliant, remarkable man. Im sad to here he has lost his faith in Christ. John Milton said: ”The Road to is paved with good intentions. That sums up the Great Society programs that haulted black progress with low expectations concentrated housing projects that excluded fathers and badly planned affirmative action. We also kicked God out of School and its been down hill ever since.

1 months ago reply 0

We need to invest in kids and give low income parents more resources so they will be less likely to turn to drugs. Drugs are a sign of depression and trauma. We should have free health care including mental health care and the drug issue would be far less impactful.

1 months ago reply 0

NEW information starts around the 53:00 mark. For those who don’t wanna listen to the old episode again (aka MOST PEOPLE)

3 months ago reply 0

I absolutely love the Freakonomics podcast. I’m also a fan of other podcasts on the channel like No Stupid Questions. I just listened to the episode with the journalist and I liked it a lot. But I also like many other types of episodes. Just want to say Thank You!!❤️

3 months ago reply 0

I reject the idea that ads have democratized the Internet. It’s made it worse in almost all ways. Google is influenced by ads. That’s clear. Their search for certain topics is absolutely terrible. That’s greed at work.

5 months ago reply 2

Google home is so so so bad. Doesn’t anyone at the company use it and care?

5 months ago reply 2

Very enjoyable tale of a very interesting man

5 months ago reply 1

You can’t use the bathroom during class??? School as prison model is alive and well, sadly.

6 months ago reply 0

Does not matter if you are the best lion tamer, the death defying  tight rope walker, every Circus needs a Ring master.  I have run into so many business’s where everyone is doing their job, everyone is capable, but no one is coordinating.    Love this episode.

6 months ago reply 1

I love when data confirms what I’ve long suspected. Thanks for covering this issue.

7 months ago reply 0

I think that would be a great solution. At my last company, the CEO was great at board relations but not at managing many other issues. She burned out and quit exhausted. A co CEO would have been great.

8 months ago reply 0

If books could kill, episode 1

9 months ago reply 0

This is a great episode! We need to support families.

10 months ago reply 0

awesome, thought provoking episode. looking forward to the next two episodes

11 months ago reply 0

Install this app, Watch and download ”Vivo” at no cost.¶2=2¶3=Vivo

1 years ago reply 0

A slippery slope is a legitimate worry when there is a reasonable expectation that the people heading down that slope will not be satisfied with the step down that slope. People against smoking were not satisfied until smoking only affected smokers. There were incremental steps down a slope to where we are now. Where slopes do not exist are when the people taking a step have no interest in the further steps people are worried about. marriage supporters had no interest in marrying dogs etc.

1 years ago reply 0

You have to get rid of the background music it makes it difficult to hear the information. Don’t know why this is a new thing for many podcasts. It’s very distracting.

1 years ago reply 0

I live in Norway, and at 60 years old, I am very motivated to give a kidney

1 years ago reply 0

This is interesting...

1 years ago reply 0

I curse frequently and I rather enjoy it! When my son was a teenager, I was making him hang his clothes from the dryer on a hot summer day and he was complaining about the heat and I told him to stop being a …before I even realized what I was saying! I couldn’t believe I said that to him. But I think he was more surprised than I was and he hung his clothes without anymore complaining! Thanks for all you guys do!

1 years ago reply 0

I can’t believe your ”Bleeping” theword, this episode is useless. I’ll unfollow now

1 years ago reply 1

Kendy, anti racism , it’s all utter . It’s just a grift. The real racists are the black ”leaders” who whip up their followers to hate white and Asian people. How many of the ”leaders” are now millionaires?

1 years ago reply 0

It is a miracle and there’s a reason my grandparents generation viewed it as such. Planes were welcoming, spacious seats, good food, attentive staff. Now we’re flying sardines.

1 years ago reply 0

This has to be the longest, most complicated and most boring description of a game ever. I stuck with it for about ten minutes, after which I had less idea of what American Football is all about than when I started. Probably an exciting episode if you have the misfortune to be American, but otherwise not - and explains why no other country plays American Football.

1 years ago reply 0

luv it ”The hotel room soap wastage solution” Brilliant!

1 years ago reply 0

In case anybody from production reads these, just a comment that I hope after an introductory period this show gets its own platform separate from the regular content, like People I Mostly Admire has. If people want to listen, they’ll find it, but if I want to listen to a bunch of Freakonomics episodes this breaks the flow.

1 years ago reply 0

We need proportional representation so that third party candidates have a chance. End citizens united and get money out of politics. If we limited campaign contributions to $5,000 much of this bipartisan fighting would go away.

1 years ago reply 0

Great episode! I’ve read Raworth’s book and loved hearing what Amsterdam is doing. Hopefully more of the world will implement these planet/society saving concepts sooner than later.

1 years ago reply 0

I’m still kind of near the beginning part of this episode but so far you haven’t mentioned I don’t think that the banana that we’re eating now is nothing like the original true banana started out to be plantain very different looking very different flavor different everything

1 years ago reply 0

I would definitely pay for a better search engine. Google needs a competitor. I’m curious why Lisa interpreted the data of the people with ads doing 3x greater search as positive for ads??? I do more searches when I don’t trust the results, not less.

1 years ago reply 1

I eat 400 bananas a year. I am so thankful for this yummy fruit. I’d be so sad if human activity kills their habitat.

1 years ago reply 0

Concussion. Anyone ever see that movie starring Will Smith ? It’s a real eye opener, very good movie. Explaining how dangerous Football is.

1 years ago reply 1

You have not mentioned the cost of the fuel cycle. Its mining and supply. If we had followed the Thorium cycle that is a good option.

1 years ago reply 0

Oh gosh I loved Stephen approach to the baptism offer

1 years ago reply 0

So instead of taking a more immediate step of making public transport free to low income people, the mayor of Boston is deflecting to talk about Boston having the first public park centuries ago? 😱

1 years ago reply 0

Stephen Dubner is a great host. He is so very conversational - love it. The topics are also fun and engaging.

1 years ago reply 0

Who the was trying to break the federal reserve for the past fifty anymore of you thinking you like Allen Greenspan?

1 years ago reply 0

Comments regarding workplace, employers have a monetary investment in the success of the business, employees don’t - hence the 45 minute bathroom break is a good place to continue the conversation.

2 years ago reply 0

This was excellent, but a bit confusing in the beginning because the word ”marriage” was often used instead of ”wedding.” There IS a difference between the two and they are not always interchangeable. At the beginning, the host cited stats about ”marriage” when he actually meant weddings.

2 years ago reply 0

All of the kids are extremely intelligent and articulate. But sorry. Matilda comes across as a spoiled, entitled brat.

2 years ago reply 0

Positive thinking is a ludicrous idea. Don’t be an optimist or a pessimist. Be a realist.

2 years ago reply 1

Ah Mathilda was funny! I’m hooked for the next 10 years

2 years ago reply 0

Regarding min 40 discussion: do you speak about US Gun soothing issue during the super bowl? It is easy to point fingers at other countries without analysing your actions.

2 years ago reply 0

Great podcast on higher education.

2 years ago reply 1

Charming bubbly personality but not well prepared for what should have been an important conversation. Certainly was excited reporting on Brown’s return on investment. What gets measured gets done!

2 years ago reply 0

Thanks for revisiting this. It has nothing to do with whether abortion is a constitutional right though, since that has nothing to do with whether abortion is right or wrong. The consequences of the constitution should influence whether we change the constitution, not how we interpret the existing documents.

2 years ago reply 0

Maybe we could start by ending all ”foreign aid” and redirect those funds towards smarter social programs

2 years ago reply 0

I have had a successful career in a highly scientific field but have no degree whatsoever. Meanwhile all of my colleagues who do the exact same thing I do have at least a master’s degree if not a doctorate. They are repaying heavy student loans while I am not. All I have is talent and experience. Fortunately, those still count for something in this backward country.

2 years ago reply 0

Thanks for producing this show!!

2 years ago reply 0

So important! Still love this. Everyone needs to listen.

2 years ago reply 1

thank you for your content, its so inspiring. you helped me in many ways to develop. greetings from Slovakia

2 years ago reply 0

Good podcast. Concern line of questioning by S seem to not be objective. Often S starts a question with ”But...” in all podcast. In this podcast it seems way more than usual. Will still be back for other podcasts for sure...But...disappointed in this one.

2 years ago reply 0