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Decoder failed it says when trying to play , must’ve hit a nerve with this one

27 days ago reply 0

H*ll is waiting. The original word got censored for some reason

1 months ago reply 0

Is this a Christian podcast? What a joke. The things Christians believe are ridiculous and they all believe different things and they all believe they have it right yet in Christianity the price of the wrong belief is everlasting . So how does that make sense that there exists so many different beliefs but also is waiting for those who don’t believe right? Dumb religion. There are 2.5 billion Christ followers on earth. How does that equal persecution? 2.5 billion can’t beat elites?

1 months ago reply 0

Wow the Angels really want this guy to rake it in. 181 dollars per hour. I want to get in on this angel stuff. Contact me for 1/3 the price and I’ll tell you what your angels want you to hear. Funny how the Angels messaged are mainly for middle and upper classes in a world where people are poorer than ever.

3 months ago reply 0

Go read the song of Solomon passage it is talking about the fall or giants. With place names like Shinar, Hermon. No dude this is talking about the love of human woman.

9 months ago reply 0

check out Halloween season of the witch! It’s all about putting on a mask and then you get possessed

10 months ago reply 0

Mark, heard you on Sam’s podcast talking about the book The Dark Gods. If you’re still looking for it, here is a link to PDF.

10 months ago reply 0

All your Podcasts are great! You and your guests add another dimension to how I think and interpret information. Thank you

1 years ago reply 0

Think he needs to understand differences between chapter and verse...if he doesnt get those things, should he really be offering guidance to others?

1 years ago reply 0

❣️MFTIC! One thing what is the website Justin spoke of to get the silica? He said it way too fast 😅😂.

1 years ago reply 0

The Nephilim built the megolthic structures.. something we can’t figure out today. This dipe thinks they were brain dead brutes? Projection, son.

1 years ago reply 1

We are losing our country to pedo Satanists and you all are designing coloring books and scheming up other ways to make money. How bout we fight for our right to party instead!

1 years ago reply 0

Hard to believe or trust someone who believes they have it all figured out. 80 percent bs

1 years ago reply 0