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Btw. An ad covers the entire screen and stays open. Can’t see kates cheerful, sincere smile. Also.. Nobody correctly studied infiltration everywhere. This includes Dutch areas. What makes others more trustworthy thanUSA?

26 days ago reply 0

im just going to love my family and follow Jesus and see what happens, thats what keeps me going. thank you for this episode.

1 months ago reply 0

Happy. Birthday it’s my twin sisters and nine 35 th birthday as well

1 months ago reply 0

I disagree with Dr Duke Pesta, Wisconsin is red and it was stolen in 2020. He lives in Madison and exposed to the crazy the rest of the state is normal and we are all red. It’s crazy towns like Madison and Milwaukee and Green Bay that drag the whole state into the gutter. Basically the universities have done their damage

1 months ago reply 0


1 months ago reply 0

Kate could you please look into and talk about the patented Sun simulator? I’ve been hearing a lot about the difference in the Sun and what has been being caught on video ever since the eclipse

2 months ago reply 0

Nov 11 ... Couldn’t that actually be translated to be 9/11 our November is the true ninth month? And wasn’t Christ supposedly born on 9/11?? Could this display on November 11th be mocking Christ, in more ways than one. Interesting stuff 🤔🤔

2 months ago reply 0

I’ve used the same insurance company for my home and vehicles for over 20 years. They denied me insurance on a house I own that I was going to use for an equity loan. My home needed stucco fixed and painted. They wouldn’t let me make the needed repairs. They insisted I use a licensed contractor.

2 months ago reply 0

The survivors will be the elite so they can start the whole thing off again 👍

5 months ago reply 0

I love your information and the digging you do but I can’t stand ad after ad. You go to ad then when you come back you yak about that product. You are going to lose ppl. You said one ad for podcasts, but then you yap about again (frustrating). Also please post full interview so we don’t get repeats several times. Overwhelming to see 10 downloads for one day and then 80-90% of short clips are ads.

6 months ago reply 2

Historical ,record breaking weather 😂

7 months ago reply 1

Everything is linked

7 months ago reply 0

I do believe that most of us who are let’s say under the age of 50 if we don’t die young are going to be here to see Jesus’s coming and I do believe that

9 months ago reply 0

It’s biblical prophecy folks being fulfilled and that part of the world have been fighting for thousands of years but I hope this dies down but every time that they do this it gets as closer to the battle of Armageddon and the coming of Jesus Christ we need to be praying and reading our Bibles

9 months ago reply 0

Hahaha no the Earth and humanity is not that old we are not millions of years old and neither is the universe and nothing evolved God created everything fully formed and fully grown and he put man up on the Earth I’m just saying

10 months ago reply 0

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, **is this talking about ”directed energy weapons”?**

10 months ago reply 0

loved this show, I learned a lot.

11 months ago reply 0

The guest is right an adult person can have a relationship with whomever they want but is supposed to continue the human race it’s supposed to be fruitful in a heterosexual male female Union that’s the way it was designed and created if you notice she kind of avoided the question well it’s not fruitful and it’s not a fruitful thing it’s actually just a perverted pleasure just for the perverted pleasure of it it’s unnatural you know they kind of avoid that question lol

11 months ago reply 0

Haven’t you noticed the ”weird” manner in which the person giving the shot is like they are searching for that 100% perfect muscle vein or or or artery to inject the injectable into! While giving the shot the only thing important to the giver is to find that humanistic perfect location in the arm

1 years ago reply 0

We haven’t seen President Trump one time since Nov.3 in the year of our LORD 2020! He is in 🇨🇳! That’s the only place where He is safe!

1 years ago reply 0

Punjabi song

1 years ago reply 0

Looking for today show wanted to make sure the 11 o’clock is good for Pacific Coast time

1 years ago reply 0

Yall don’t care about the environment?

1 years ago reply 0

Space is fake though

1 years ago reply 0

👎👎👎👎👎 five stare

1 years ago reply 0

Cattaraugus County in NY property tax just went up double. This is a rural county, mostly farms and Amish. The people here can’t afford that kind of hike. B.s.

1 years ago reply 0

Live free or die

1 years ago reply 0

The demons in power are pushing gluttony

1 years ago reply 0

Amazing show

1 years ago reply 0

Great and important info!

1 years ago reply 0


1 years ago reply 0

They’re playing soccer all the time now due to the ILLEGALS that are over here.... Their country of origin’s sport

1 years ago reply 0

Great show

1 years ago reply 0

Same day voting, walk your ballot in. PLEASE!!!

1 years ago reply 0

I’m still waiting for my tax refund... And they get a bail out

1 years ago reply 0


1 years ago reply 0

These rhinos gotta go! Thanks for your show. Yep. NO HOSPITALS!

1 years ago reply 0

I found The Vic Freeman show and he talks about the solutions and how to move forward.

1 years ago reply 0

Xxxxx xxxx

1 years ago reply 0

always a great show, Kate thanks

2 years ago reply 0

If they’re not allowing viewing and they’re asking for DNA couldn’t these children have been kidnapped and their bodies replaced with other kids that are already dead. Omg this just gets worse and worse the more I listen and think about stuff

2 years ago reply 0

Micmack Indians?? I think you mean mackinac (mac-n-ac) indian

2 years ago reply 0


2 years ago reply 0

Also relevant... Revelation 9:6 ”During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.”

2 years ago reply 0

Thunderbolt = Satan Luke 10:18 “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”

2 years ago reply 0

He makes me vomit🤮

2 years ago reply 0

Can’t we get some hacker to show this movie on every channel on TV? Cnn, msnbc, abc, disney, nickelodeon, cbs, etc would have nothing but this show being played. EVERYONE needs to see this.

2 years ago reply 0

This podcast here is the worst espy I’ve had. I want to hear Kate Dalley and I’ve tried nearly 15 times to play the video and it won’t play.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to freedom Kate! God bless you and God bless America. 🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼

2 years ago reply 0

I love this

2 years ago reply 0


2 years ago reply 0

Hi Kate, I love and appreciate your honesty and integrity. How can your research compare to his?? After all he watches the news so he knows! Bahaha!!

2 years ago reply 0

Moronic Cold! Only effects the the masked, triple jabbed morons!!

2 years ago reply 0

schumann resonance (earth) & alpha waves (human) both vibrate at 7.83hz ”Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Gen 2:7

2 years ago reply 0

Watch this: Think of this: ”The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.” Gen 1:2

2 years ago reply 0

Doctors use vibration machines to help osteoporosis. Helping to increase bone mineral density

2 years ago reply 0

Documentary: Resonance, Beings of Frequency

2 years ago reply 0

Look into rupert sheldrake, morphic resonance

2 years ago reply 0

this is very scary to think about. thank you for your podcast so we are informed ahead of time.

2 years ago reply 0

thank you!

2 years ago reply 0