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I am a life long Republican but Trumps behavior is disgusting and embarrassing and I donโ€™t believe there has been election fraud or the Democrats hid it so well either way Biden is our next president and we just need to move forward

3 years ago reply 0

You are not in left field thinking that Trump was not good for the republican party. I totally agree. Republicans need a reboot and a good marketing campaign if they are going to have a chance next election. I am a conservative but not a registered republican because the party is getting ridiculous.

3 years ago reply 0

love your podcasts. we need more voices like your that stand for conservatism and call out when something is right or wrong no matter what political party.

3 years ago reply 0

You are running into people without masks because you live in Utah county.

3 years ago reply 0

Hey Jaymac, I have been reading the federalist paper #2 and came across this quote. I am amazed of how accurate this warning was that we need moderation in politics. I agree that trump needs to get out of the republican parties leadership. We need to get back to civil discourse. "nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit, which has, at all times, characterized political parties". There is more to the quote, but it highlights how damaging partisanship is.

3 years ago reply 0

I think Jordan School district is handling the outbreaks in the high schools very irresponsibly. Closing for 2 days is going to do nothing. We know itโ€™s spread through asymptotic spreaders and the biggest percentage of asymptotic spreaders are in this age group and younger

3 years ago reply 0

Wait a just one minute. Asteroids and Meteores in tarrar atmosphere all the time and most of them burn up before they ever hit the ground those would be a lot closer than one the did not enter our atmosphere

3 years ago reply 0

Healthy criticism is always good. Keep on JayMac!

3 years ago reply 0

Please do! Someone reasonable needs to speak about the good and bad that the President does.

3 years ago reply 0

My cousin died yesterday. This virus is a real disaster ๐Ÿ˜ž

3 years ago reply 0

That vent is an Unfinished space vent to prevent heat an moisture build up. Your home and a crawl space or attic at one point and someone failed to get a building permit when they added space and did not know that the hole had to be sealed. You most likely have at least 1 more some where.

4 years ago reply 0

Don't waste my time with this. If I am driving my time is worth far more then $10. Not counting the emotional distressed. I will be up set not great full.

4 years ago reply 0

As long as she has the sing up the police sould remember thT they have no obligation to protect her or anyone else. Whe they get robed the police sould just not show up till the robbery is over.

4 years ago reply 0

The first amendment is applied to expression. You atire is a form of expression. This was applied to business being able to charge extra for credit card customers. If it applys there if most likely could be aplyed to mask

4 years ago reply 0