Positive Mentor

Wealth Coffee Chats

Looking for a daily update on creating the wealth of your dreams? Do you want property investment explained in a simple language? Do you want to learn it whilst sipping on your coffee? Then you’re in the right place! Join me for a daily coffee and chat about all things wealth. With a strong focus on real estate wealth, you’ll cut through the confusion and overwhelm that stops most people in their investment tracks. For the live edition of the episode, where I can answer your questions live, join me on Facebook

Property Investor Tales

Stories from the Front Yard, where I get to speak to property investors from around Australia about their investing journey. Hosted by the team at Positive Real Estate across Australia in New Zealand, there are some incredible stories to tell, which hopefully make your investing journey that little bit easier and will inspire you along the way.

Your Exceptional Life

Your Exceptional Life with Marcus Pearce is a weekly podcast dedicated to helping you RISE to magnificent in each area of your life. Niching your business is one thing, but niching your life is disastrous. Whether it’s the career-minded workaholic who makes no time to invest in relationships, children or a healthy lifestyle OR the busy mum who is too tired to work on the marriage, her friends and the things she truly loves. These are just two stereotypical examples of how we have over-niched our lives and unconsciously allowed mediocrity to become acceptable. Each week Marcus looks at one area of the Exceptional Life - life purpose (career), movement, social, nutrition, love and relationships, growth, wealth and spirit - and discuss small but seismic shifts that can make a massive difference in our quality of life. Up until around 2006, Marcus lived anything BUT the exceptional life. A workaholic smoking, binge-drinking processed food and Red Bull-guzzling TV and radio producer fo

Ask Sam

Welcome to Ask Sam - the daily podcast where I answer your wealth and property questions. It might be a burning question you’ve never had answered or a question you have about a deal you’re looking at right now. In any case, your questions help society make better investment decisions - so send them through (DM me @Sam Saggers on Facebook and Instagram) and I’ll do my best to answer your question on Ask Sam.

Wealth, Wine and Wisdom

Financial worlds collide when real estate and finance expert Jason Whitton catches up with banking, equity and financial markets expert Andy Fenton. Coming together for a glass of vino, Wealth, Wine and Wisdom - more wine than anything else - is a relaxed retrospective look back at what’s been happening this week in the world of wealth, and what might happen next week and beyond. Andy Fenton is Managing Director at Fenton Financial. Jason Whitton is co-founder of Positive Real Estate.

The Wealth Faculty

Welcome to The Wealth Faculty, where you and I go on an adventure, a journey in discovering what is the true meaning of wealth. The Wealth Faculty has two intentions. Firstly, we focus on the faculty that you bring to life - your physical, mental and emotional faculties. Secondly, the idea of creating wealth for yourself into the future requires a team - a faculty of advisors. One thing I can tell you, this thing called wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. The people you rely on to help you with making great decisions on this journey over the following decades will make or break whether you create, keep, maintain and pass on your wealth. On this podcast I’m going to interview world leaders in creating wealth (in all areas of life), and I’m also going to interview my faculty of advisors who've helped me over the last 20 years as a professional property investor and coach. Each time I’ll be asking my guests, “what is the true meaning of wealth to you?” I look forward to sharing their answers with you on this podcast, The Wealth Faculty. I hope you enjoy!

The Urban Property Investor

The Urban Property Investor podcast with host Sam Saggers brings together the latest news, strategies and ideas to help grow your personal wealth from investing in real estate. With a major premise to help you join the 1% of people who achieve financial independence, Sam Saggers advocates ways to replace your income, invest in property and retire rich using trends that form part of the urban landscape. The Urban Property Investor Podcast uncovers answers to the critical “what” “why” “where” and “how” of investment using behavioural economic insights into how everyone can prosper in the cities of tomorrow as investors of today. This podcast goes beyond investing in 2020 and tackles ways to bulletproof your investment plan by understanding influences on people, place and property.

Positive Mentor

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