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Fr. Larry Richards - The Reason For Our Hope Foundation

The Reason For Our Hope Foundation was founded by Fr. Larry in answer to 1Peter 3:15: ”Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” The mission of the Foundation is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church through various multi-media resources. Fr. Larry has written two books and recorded many talks on various aspects of the Catholic Faith. The talks are available on CDs, DVDs, and as an MP3s download. His weekly homilies are also available as an audio file to help people grow in their faith.

Fr. Larry Richards of The Reason For Our Hope Foundation Podcast

Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.

Anchored In Hope with Father Larry Richards - Catholic Faith

Anchored in Hope is a weekly podcast devoted to bringing hope through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Join Father Larry Richards as he helps you discover the reason for your hope. Anchored In Hope is part of the Reason For Our Hope Foundation founded by Fr. Larry Richards. Learn more at

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