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Reimagine sex with the Freak Hoestess, Jody. As a certified sexologist and fellatio instructor, she unapologetically explores the realms of sexuality, blending candid discussions on sexual health, education, personal stories and all things kink. Join Jody weekly on this unapologetic journey, where no topic is taboo, as she educates and entertains, encouraging listeners to embrace their desires. PrHOEvocative is more than a podcast; it’s a resistance against slut-shaming, fostering sexual agency and providing a safe space for all. Embark on this empowering adventure with Jody, blending raunchy knowledge and HOEly scholar insights to elevate your sex life. Jody is from the Southside of Chicago.

No Designer

Focused on urban brands and styles, “No Designer” aims to highlight some of Chicago’s hottest and newest and upcoming clothing lines, while teaching the rich clothing history that the city has to offer. Rell Duncan takes you on a behind the scenes journey of multiple exclusive shoe stores and clothing brands. The show will share insights on all the dope clothing/shoe spots, shoe plugs and any Brand Makers you need to know. “No Designer” also has segments dedicated to helping listeners avoid the common pitfalls of building a clothing brand, providing information on everything from marketing and building a brand to avoiding vendor scams and scaling your business from the ground up. “No Designer” walks with you every step of the way to find all the hottest in Chicago urban fashion and shoes culture as a consumer but also as a business owner to show you how Chicago’s hottest urban brands are just as good as “DESIGNER” clothing.

Roses Are Dead

Romance is dead. Gender roles have dissolved and men forced to find value in themsleves beyond just providing and protecting. Roses Are Dead is a community where men sharpen men in the areas of leadership, confidence and purpose. An aura of boldness, simplicity and mystery can get a man whatever he wants. Whether we’re chasing our dreams, approaching women or raising our kids, we expect success in everything we do. And so will you.