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BRAND (by design) I BG5/ Gene Keys for business

Hey, friend, welcome to BRAND (by design) where I (a serial brand builder in niches from fitness to business) will guide you to create a brand that creates the feeling you get when you take your bra off after a busy hot day! Ya, that free! As a BG5 Business Consultant, BG5 Profit Potential Specialist, & BG5 Business Cycles Specialist I bring the ”woo” + practical business strategy to turn the rats nest of ideas in your head to a BRAND that gets you paid for what you are best at. In these episodes I’m going to share my best brand advice with you in a way that lands, as if your BRAND building bestie was just telling you straight what it takes... because that’s what I am! Fair warning: I am a bit of the female Tony Robbins (intense!) so get ready to get to work & reveal your hidden potential! My hope is that you walk away from each episode feeling seen, in both the wins & struggle, yet empowered by the prospect of building a brand that truly represents *you*. It’s time to get you out of confusion & into clarity so that the world can benefit from your unique work. Topics will include: Brand Strategy Copywriting Sales & Social Media Brand Identity Brand Persona Style & Aesthetic. We’ll also talk about my life running multiple businesses (and a sanctuary), ADHD, intentionality, f*ck ups & how to turn your mess into your message, creativity, money, communication, and anything under the sun that somehow feels relevant to building your BRAND You Blueprint (hint... you are the niche ;) Are you ready to learn how to build a BRAND (by design)? Perfect, let’s rock and roll! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashleybrianaeve/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfwEMns_JPDRhbLefW1qJQ Website: https://www.ashleybrianaeve.com/

ADHD + HD I Human Design for ADHD’ers

The ADHD + HD podcast is a clear, concise, REAL podcast for high performing women with ADHD. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but more importantly you will be seen, maybe for the first time in your life (or that’s my goal!). Host Ashley Briana Eve is an ADHD expert who has been supporting ADHDers both in the counselling field & in the coaching field. Ashley has worked with children, youth, & adults in a range of environments from women’s shelters, group homes, & even in an Equine Assisted Therapy program, run in conjunction with the Canadian Mental Association, in helping adults return to the workforce after time away due to mental health. Her focus in University was on risk vs resilience, deeply interested in what makes people succeed regardless of external (or internal) factors. Join Ashley to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life, how some patterns that you beat yourself up over or which create chaos in your life were never YOU but your brain, and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by FIRST accepting who you are. Ashley does this through the lens of Human Design & Gene Keys, believing that our best bet for success lies in building on who you already are, not trying to become someone you’re not (flaws & all). Whether you are officially diagnosed, self-diagnosed, or just curious you are welcome here. Disclaimer: While Ashley was a counsellor working in the mental health field she now works strictly within a coaching capacity. This podcast is not meant to replace medical advice, medication, and working with health care professionals. Learn more about Ashley here: https://www.ashleybrianaeve.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elitehumandesign.consulting/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfwEMns_JPDRhbLefW1qJQ