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Access Consciousness International Ltd.

The Babelstower Podcast is featured by Access Consciousness International Ltd.

The Power of Being You Podcast

Welcome To The Power of Being You Podcast! How many times have you felt like YOU were the problem, that you were different, and things would be easier if you changed to “fit the mold”? Well, what if that wasn’t true? What if you being you, exactly as you are, with all your uniqueness - is what the world requires right now. What if you are the change required to create a greater future? Hosted by Sarah Grandinetti and produced by the Being You Facilitators, this podcast invites you to meet a series of unique and brilliant guests as they share their stories, their difference, and their willingness to be themselves no matter what. Get some new perspectives and tools while being inspired by the change that one simple and yet transforming choice can create in our lives, society, and the world! More here:

De toren van Babel Podcast

Doe met ons mee op onze gewaarzijn-expeditie waarin we tools, ideeën, verhalen en oefeningen delen over hoe je jouw levensbewustzijn kunt vergroten. Wat als verandering jouw beste vriend zou kunnen zijn? Wat weet jij dat niemand anders weet, dat je nog niet eens bent begonnen te erkennen? Wat als jouw verschil nou net is wat de wereld nodig heeft in deze tijd van grote veranderingen?

Podcast Torre de Babel

Junte-se a nós em nossa expedição de conscientização, compartilhando ferramentas, ideias, histórias e práticas sobre como expandir sua consciência de vida - con o novo PodCast em Português Consciência Simples e Divertida! E se a mudança puder ser sua melhor companhia? O que você sabe, que ninguém mais sabe, que você ainda nem começou a reconhecer? E se a sua diferença for o que o mundo requer nestes tempos de grandes transformações? Todas as Segundas à noite e Quintas-feiras na hora do almoço teremos entrevistas ao vivo no Zoom. Nessas entrevistas você poderá conhecer pessoas que mudaram suas vidas com ferramentas de Access Consciousness e hoje são Facilitadores Certificados espalhando toda essa mágica pelo mundo!

La tour de Babel Podcast

Rejoignez-nous dans notre expédition de sensibilisation partageant des outils, des idées, des histoires et des pratiques sur la façon d'élargir votre conscience de la vie. Et si le changement pouvait être votre meilleur ami? Que savez-vous, que personne d'autre ne sait, que vous n'avez même pas encore commencé à reconnaître? Et si votre différence est ce dont le monde a besoin en ces temps de changements majeurs?

Der Babelstower Podcast

Begleite uns bei unserer Bewusstseinsexpedition, in der wir Tools, Ideen, Geschichten und Methoden zur Erweiterung des Bewusstseins deines Lebens teilen. Was wäre, wenn Veränderung dein bester Freund sein könnte? Was weißt du, dass niemand sonst weiß, dass du noch nicht einmal angefangen hast, anzuerkennen? Was ist, wenn deine Andersartigkeit das ist, was die Welt in Zeiten großer Veränderungen braucht?

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