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Next Level Dental Hygiene

The Dental Handoff

Let’s stop using the wrong end of the toothbrush! This show is about passing you the knowledge, the habits, the systems and the strategies to lead your teams, lean on your tech, and listen to your gut, while you take care of teeth, and let’s get honest, the overall health, of our communities. By identifying the gaps, recognizing the plaque and extracting the truth with other experts in the field we will share their stories, empower you to own yours, and elevate your passion in the process. Show topics to include: Education, Tech, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Connection and Confidence

Truth AND Dare

Our most significant breakthroughs in life occur when people challenge the beliefs we THINK are true or assigned to us. In these breakthroughs, we discover the real truth about who we were meant to be—the LIVED truth—and we DARE to step outside of our comfort zone. Join Dr. Kelly Tanner for awe-inspiring stories of breakthroughs from guests who accepted the dare and changed life’s narrative.

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