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PodCast ReCast

The PodCast where we ReCast your favourite movies as if they were being made today.

The Big Fat Fintech Quiz of the Year

Fintech Finance presents the ‘Big Fat FinTech Quiz of the Year’ Join us, and some stalwarts of the industry, to review the why’s, how’s and WTF’s of the last year in FinTech. We’ll go from the highs of Bitcoin, to the lows of … well… Bitcoin! And did someone mention VISA?!

Fintech Finance Podcasts: The FF Salon

FF News | Fintech Finance presents... well.. what is turning into a selection of creative, innovative spins on B2B podcasts! Kicking off with the ”FF Salon”, we interview some of the best and brightest in Fintech... while at the same time, cutting, styling & ”zhuzh”ing their hair; giving us much more intimate and deeper insight into what makes these executives and companies tick Coming up... - Carpool Conversations @ITC - The FF Salon @Sibos

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