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Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for setting professional medical standards for training, assessment, certification and continuing professional development in the specialty of general practice.

We are the only College in Australia dedicated to rural and remote medicine, and we play an important role in supporting junior doctors and medical students considering a career in rural medicine.

We are committed to delivering sustainable, high-quality health services to rural and remote communities by providing:

- Quality education programs
- Innovative support, and
- Strong representation for doctors who serve those communities.

ACRRM Life Hacks podcasts
ACRRM Life Hacks

ACRRM Life Hacks is a series of podcasts, which aims to cover various aspects of registrars’ additional learning needs that sit outside of the Rural Generalist Curriculum, such as settling into rural practice, medico-legal issues, self-care and professional sustainability. The ACRRM Life Hacks podcasts are delivered via the ACRRM Life Hacks website or via your favourite podcasting platform. Podcasts will be added throughout the year – so please subscribe to be one of the first to listen to the latest podcast.

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