This is a topic I've had rolling around in my heart for the past year or so. The topic of who we're here to "help," how we know which path to follow in finding our purpose, and releasing the guilt...
This is a topic I've had rolling around in my heart for the past year or so. The topic of who we're here to "help," how we know which path to follow in finding our purpose, and releasing the guilt around not feeling called to a life of sacrifice and service (as you may currently understand those words). You can even hear the resistance I'm still wrestling through in this episode as I try to justify the path I've currently set myself on when it comes to choosing the ways I'll use my life as a service to others, as I clearly have some beliefs deeply embedded in me around this idea. I hope my rambling thoughts make sense, and you're left with a feeling of relief, with the ability to release the pressure from your own life, and add practical tools for moving forward and focusing on one thing at a time in order to find wholeness in yourself as a way to bring healing to the world.