Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Tide Rises, Tide Falls"
Dana Gioia's "Metamorphosis"
Two by Oscar Wilde
Gerard Manley Hopkins' "Binsey Poplars"
Theodore Roethke's "Root Cellar"
J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Tale of Tinuviel"
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken"
Rudyard Kipling's "If"
Jane Kenyon's "The Blue Bowl"
T.S. Eliot's "Rhapsody on a Windy Night"
Thomas Gray's "Ode to the Death of a Favorite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes"
Pablo Neruda's "A Dog Has Died"
Blaise Cendrars "Menus"
Roald Dahl's "The Centipede's Song"
T.S. Eliot's "The Naming of Cats"
Mary Oliver's "Beside the Waterfall"
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "Sonnet 44"
Wendell Berry's "September 2"
Seamus Heaney's "Scaffolding"
Rita Dove's "Ars Poetica"
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