The post Episode #59 – The Backdoor Method To Selling appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales....
A unique way to close s...
The post Episode #59 – The Backdoor Method To Selling appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales....
A unique way to close sales indirectly, and get more people to buy your stuff, without ever actually selling your stuff.
Good morning everyone, this is Russell. I want to welcome you to the Marketing in your Car podcast. Hey guys and gals, we are here today in Boise. It is a super windy day. It's going crazy. It's like a tornado is coming through. It's kind of fun. Hopefully I will not get blown off the road while I'm driving to the office.
I want to talk to you guys today about something fun that we're doing, that maybe will give you guys some ideas. It's a way we've been trying to position and sell our high end coaching. We've been having some fun with it. We just added in a couple new levels and an opportunity for people to come to Boise a couple of times a year and hang out with me, and have me work with their businesses one-on-one, or I guess eight-on-one, ten-on-one, or whatever, but in a more intimate situation.
I'm really excited about that. We're trying to figure out different ways to pitch it and sell it. Selling a mastermind by itself is kind of hard because there's a lot of people that have masterminds. What's the difference between yours and everybody else's? The real difference is the person who is facilitating it. What do they bring to the table? What do they know, and stuff like that?
It's kind of hard to sell that. How do you brag about yourself versus other people? So I've been trying to figure out what's a better way to promote that and sell that. I remembered probably five or six years ago, I got sold. I love getting sold. I hate going to seminars and you hear speakers, and nobody is able to close. I'm like, “I'm not that hard to close. You just have to give me a cool enough offer.”
It was Armand Morin's, I think it may have been his last or second to last big seminar. I went there and was hoping that somebody would sell me because I hadn't been sold for awhile. I just love that experience. I'm going through every speaker. Every speaker is like eh, eh, nothing really got me to move.
Finally Armand got up. Armand is a legend, especially when it comes to stage selling. He was doing this presentation. It was fun watching him go through the whole thing. Sure enough, by the end, he sold me. What was interesting is that he was selling this seminar he was doing called Persuasion X which was his public speaking program.
Like I said, he went through the whole presentation on Persuasion X and then he sold it. It was whatever price, like five grand or something, “Dang it, that's a lot more than I was expecting,” but I really wanted it and was really happy. Then he came back and said, “Or if you're a member of my AM2, you get it for free.”
I was like, “Say what?” I knew about AM2. I had heard about it for years but I had never signed up for it though, which was kind of like his inner circle thing that we're rolling out. I always heard about it and thought it was really cool but never had anything to really push me over the edge to have me join his mastermind.
I think Armand is brilliant, but what am I going to get from him versus some of these other masterminds I'm in? Persuasion X though, that seminar or workshop that I wanted so badly, that I could have got for five grand or I could join AM2 and get it for free, what am I going to do? Sure enough, he closed me and I went and joined AM2.
I think you pay $500 a month for it, and all this stuff but he closed me. I was so excited. This weekend, I was thinking about how to position our inner circle,
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