Dylan breaks down current new headlines of entrepreneurs trying to fix, fund or grow their business:
1. One company’s garbage is another company’s treasure. Gas and bitcoin mining – who knew? (02:20)
2. Sometimes you have to shut it down. (07:21)
3. A $206,000,000 share purchase validates RH is on to something. (12:38)
4. How do you make money when your price is zero? (18:34)
5. Find your passion. Grow a business. RIP Jake Burton Carpenter. (25:51)
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* music by Cade Gallagher www.soundcloud.com/cadegallaghermusic
What's the business goal?
How are you taking #money from your business?
Where's my money?
What are pro forma financial statements?
Is your business grabbing #EasyMoney?
There is #NoFreeMoney for your business (ever)
How can your business #DoMoreWithPeople?
Do you really #KnowYourCosts?
#OneQuestion to ask yourself about your business
What does your business #OwnOweMakeSpend?
What is opportunity cost?
Cash in the bank is not profit
Do you know who to #getmoney from for your business?
Business in a tough spot? You're #notalone
Is your business an artist or a thief?
It's a sad day when you learn of a #failedbusiness
Don't be fooled by #fakemath
Technically right but practically wrong
One business goes over a cliff just as another one starts
Why it pays to be different
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