Passive Income Musician
60 Episodes
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Category: Business
Last Update: 2019-12-09
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The Passive Income Musician Podcast is the show where you will learn how to stop trading your time for money and build a business around teaching music online. As musicians and music teachers, there is nothing we’d rather do than make a living doing what we love. But we often find ourselves maxed out with how much income we can make from teaching students, or even strapped for cash in general. Wouldn’t it be great if you could create a music eBook or an online music course once and then have it sell on autopilot? On this show, you will learn how to build an audience of dedicated music students who you can serve with incredible content. You’ll learn how to build a profitable mailing list and give them massive value. You’ll learn how to create premium music education products, and how to properly market them so that you can continue to generate revenue time and time again. The Passive Income Podcast is about helping you make money as a musician, but it’s also about helping you get that f