Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine


Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine
288 Episodes
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Category: Spirituality
Last Update: 2024-07-22
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My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and emotions. After years of therapy, getting sober, and choosing to begin the journey of unconditional self love for myself, things started to change. My self esteem rose along with my self regard and kindness towards myself. I knew there was only one thing I wanted to do with the rest of my life; help others out of the place that I was in and start figuring out how we can end these cycles for good, for all of us. Women Waken is building community and offering a platform for Women to come together who share a vision of creating a new way of life where insecurity, low self esteem, and self- destruction are no longer the norm. Where we are able to rebalance the dynamic between the inner and outer Worlds so that our ability to love and accept ourselves is no longer dependent on externals. On this show, we speak to Women who are seeking to heal from traumas/habits/addictions that are keeping them in a place of disempowerment who are ready to begin aligning with their true self and are ready to let their light shine I release two episodes a week, an interview and solo episode, If you feel ready to reclaim your power and stand in your Divine light I hope this show finds you!

41 What Heartbreak, Disappointment, Loss, & Grief Can Teach You; An Introduction To Your Shadow Side & Embracing Your Divine Feminine Sovereignty 2024-04-19

42 A Divine Feminine's Guide To Radically Embody Love & Discover Your Path To Sovereignty 2024-04-17

43 Honoring The Power Of Your Love; Letting Go Of Reluctance To Love Or Care For Another At The Risk Of Being Hurt By Not Taking Things Personally & Connecting With Your Divine Feminine Heavenly Light 2024-04-15

44 Picking Up The Pieces & Moving Forward To Your Destiny; Navigating Out Of The Wreckage Of Eclipse Season And Embracing The Divine Feminine Opportunities To Reclaim Unconditional Love For Yourself 2024-04-12

45 ReThinking Love: Guidance On Being The One, Attracting The One, & Becoming One To Experience True Divine Feminine Unconditional Love For Self & Others 2024-04-10

46 IT'S HERE! The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, LET'S GO! Time To Step Into Our Destiny, Rewrite Our Story, & Trust In Our Divine Feminine Light & Unstoppable Brilliance 2024-04-08

47 Moving On From The Old To The New You; Using This Intense Eclipse Gateway To Break Free From The Worry & Doubt That Keeps You Stuck In Ego & Fear & Refocusing On Your Divine Feminine Path Forward Towa 2024-04-05

48 Fired Up: Fueling Triumph from Trauma; Ending The Silence & Inspiring Victims Of Abuse To Stand Up & Speak Their Divine Feminine Sovereign Truth 2024-04-03

49 An Eclipse Sandwiched Mercury Retrograde In Aries Is Here! A Time To Expect Delays, Be Prepared For Sudden Surprises, & Allow Room For Divine Feminine Pauses To Make The Most Progress Towards Your Des 2024-04-01

50 Understanding Trauma Responses: Explaining The 4 Types, How They Develop & Present, & Beginning To Shift Towards A More Divine Feminine, Heart Based Approach 2024-03-29
