Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast


Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast
174 Episodes
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Category: Religion & Spirituality
Last Update: 2021-07-23
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Originally this podcast focused exclusively on topics surrounding Spirituality. With recent events and the turmoil concerning the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department along with the murders of countless others, a major paradigm shift is underway within our society. This show will expand its programming to include topics that highlight our desire to eradicate inequality, systemic racism, and to gain greater accountability from our elected leaders and the law enforcement community so that we as a society can improve the lives of millions. Jason offers a unique perspective as an Attorney and Psychic Medium and within the context of Spirituality. As an attorney, Jason is licensed to practice law in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and New Jersey. He received his legal training by earning his Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University and by attaining a Masters of Law (LL.M.) in International Law and Comparative Law from Georgetown University. Jason realized his psychic abilities immediately following his grandfather’s death in 2004 after he began to experience significant spiritual events that caused his mediumship abilities to flourish over time. Jason believes by coming together from a spiritual approach we can engage in healthy and constructive dialogue with the goal of gaining a greater understanding and awareness of these complex issues so that true reform can result. Jason supports the Black Lives Matter Movement. While Spiritual Topics will continue to be an important part of the show, Jason will also present topics addressing the desire to protect our Environment, Reform our Criminal Justice System, and Safeguard every Citizen from Police Brutality. "We the People Means EVERYONE."