Too late for Halloween... Katie had another weird dream and we figure out where it came from... It's always an uncle situation... The Alien Autopsy dog toy with realistic disemboweling... Pumpkin carving in the maternity ward to scare the women having babies... The Take It bar in the UK. Can you take all four inches?... Halloween themed hot dogs that are actually black... What is your favorite Halloween candy?... Exchange the Halloween candy you don't like for Reece's at this vending machine... Katie's PPOTW - Scary porn for Halloween not for Katie... What is darkness porn?... Weird porn tags for SC... Which Mary from the bible is Katie... Vor porn - swallowing you whole... Katie refusing to watch her lady crush's porn... Episode of "Rule 34"... Should Katie pee in someone's butthole?... Tis Man - Kayla Kiss... Sc wants to see the porn Katie doesn't want to... When porn is accidently put on network TV... Does Katie want to do children's TV... Do we really need pumpkin porn?... When people break up then go crazy exploring their sexuality... Costumes that weren't supposed to be sexy but were made to be sexy... Katie learns how she makes other people feel when they watch her porn... This stripper is the daughter of a stripper Katie grew up with.
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