On this week’s episode, Dave and I share our top five gadgets for teaching.
Guest: Dave Stachowiak
Bonni’s twitter: @bonni208
Dave’s twitter: @davestachowiak
1. Wireless presentation Remote
Commonly referred to as a “wireless presenter”*
Logitech remotes* are reliable and fairly inexpensive
Video Downloader
2. iPad Pro
iPad Pro specs
iPad Pro on Amazon*
iPad pro case from Sena
3. Apple Pencil
Apple Pencil
4. Apple Watch
use as a non-distracting notifier
use as a timer
can seamlessly record and Send reminders to OmniFocus
TIHE article about using Due app
5. Web Cams with Zoom app
Logitech web cam with 1080p *
Sign up for Zoom*
Bonni: iPad app for pencasting: Doceri*
Dave: Cloud database software: Airtable*
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