A happy healthy business owner creates a thriving business
Valuing your own business, investing in yourself, showing up
Asking yourself why 3 times, your why can be a reason / a behaviour / group of people
You don't need thousands of followers to make a successful business, testimonials, referrals can start a snowball effect
Finding the WHO, showing up, collaborate, word of mouth, to get buy-in
Engagement is so much more important than your following, small followings can mean you can provide your time and a personal touch
Copywriting is a difficult skill, keep practicing and trying different styles, short and sharp posts are generally well received
Top tip... track your time for two weeks on Toggl to get the business data, be honest and call yourself out on half watching TV/half mess around on Canva?
How are you measuring productivity? Taking a break is productive, you'll come back stronger
Sticking to a structure, knowing your limits, the value and quality in your outsourcing
Having confidence and conviction in your messaging with sales and client management