00:00 Where were the bodies from the graves in the cave of Rebbe Yehuda HaNassi taken?
01:36 Why is V’shamru considered an inturruption in some minhagim?
06:09 Why can a blood avenger kill someone with no penalty?
12:18 What are the levels of Tumah?
17:38 What are insights of Shovevim?
26:21 What did Levites who didn’t live near the Temple do?
29:20 Can you break Shabbos to save the life of a non-frum person? (additional clarification at the end)
33:34 Can you invite your non-religious Jewish friend to a Shabbat meal if you know he is going to drive?
41:42 How does one be empathetic to others’ problems without having the problems harm themselves?
46:36 When Chazal say “you must say…” how literally should we take this?
49:04 Why do people still hold to night D’Rabbeinu Tam?
58:54 Is bein Hashmashot an inherent safek?
1:05:07 How should we be reacting to the Omicron variant of Covid?
1:08:26 War, plague, famine were things that affected the world and made people cleave to Hashem. We don’t have those same exact issues today, so how do people cleave to Hashem now?
1:12:34 What advice would you give to people when it comes to making decisions in life?
1:19:04 Why is the Torah strict on things that don’t seem so bad (such as homosexuality) and then doesn’t address things that seem much worse (such as rape)?
1:25:46 How should we act toward gay people and gay Jews in particular?
1:31:23 What is the significance of wanting Rabbeinu Tam tefillin when you get married?
1:34:32 What is the halachic source of working on one’s middos and is it doraisa or drabanan?
1:39:50 Is it ok to bring a Christian missionary into a (non-orthodox) synagogue to speak?
1:41:56 How has the litvisha world change after WWII?
1:46:24 What is the element of Judaism that is passed down through matrilineal descent?
1:47:36 What is the bread of shame? Would taking money to learn Torah count under this?
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