hour one:
"song of the underground railroad" john coltrane
"it doesn't help" boyakira
"penis boys" asbest boys
"beer and freedom" dan mcguire + stephe dk
"crying cock" elettrocapra
"autoreturn" the island
"emptiness" paranoid state
"kosmisches stommeln" bomis prendin
"untitled" korea town acid
"good sun" northern jaw
"ojos en la luna" head cut
"dead poncho" the beardy durfs
hour two:
"idzalence dofer" treasure of grundo
"mobius trip - part I" (live at texas theater) wanz dover
"the silver threshold" hackedepicciotto
"ache" ben salter
"cezjihere" treasure of grundo
"hd sportschannel & alphíne" those foreign kids & treasure of grundo
"enter grey matter timea capitis infestation for higher consciousness spinetone plea tones" rubber o cement
"a sea with no colour" organs
"sickbay clasp part 2" himmelschiff excelisor
hour three:
"treasure" strychno
"let go!" dj. flugvel og geimskip
"my knees" qui
"outside at vic's 1" foam / rawlings / staubitz
"the dew in the morning, the rain in the afternoon, the campfire at night" death will occur
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