Have questions for our upcoming mailbag? DM us or post to https://curiouscat.me/16666014 Nate and Francis talk Bowe Berghdal and just how crappy a lot of the troops we were getting in the surge years were. Apparently the people who knew Bergdahl were's surprised in the least about is disappearance. Then, we talk about the upcoming Veterans day (namely the free shit we all get)and how you can celebrate, commiserate or just flat out ignore Veterans Day however you want. Not a subscriber? You're missing out on bonus content! Five bucks a month gets you access to more content. Jen Snyder about staying home while her boyfriend (Piss Pig Granddad) went off to join the YPG - www.patreon.com/posts/rojava-strong-pt-15005765 The Podcast - twitter.com/hellofaway Francis - twitter.com/armystrang Nate - twitter.com/inthesedeserts Adrian - www.instagram.com/presumptuous_nominee/
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