| Shaun Keating CDT + Dr. David Hart DDS |
Dr. David Hart DDS is a dentist in Kansas who operates two practices one being in Elk Hart with a population of just under 2,000 residents. As a pilot and airplane owner, David often flys from his main practice in Great Bend to work at his Elk Hart location. Not only does David maintain two thriving practices via aircraft transportation, he’s also a business owner of a Small Cakes Cupcakery and often donates his time to volunteer in South America for those in need of dental care.
Join us in this thrilling episode of Dental Up as we discuss how to maintain thriving dental practices in small communities, the experience of being an airborne dentist, and the satisfaction of helping people in need.
If you’re interested in volunteering as a dentist in Honduras or Nicaragua visit http://www.medico.org/volunteer/ for more information.