For more than 45 years, the Mystic Aquarium's Sea Research Foundation has worked to protect marine mammals. For example, full-time scientists conduct global research with beluga whales within a larger set of marine science research and educational programs. The need for ongoing basic research is urgent. A recent scientific report by the United Nations warns that more than one-third of all marine mammal species are now threatened with extinction. Belugas in some parts of the world, including Alaska’s Cook Inlet, are considered endangered or depleted.
To support current and future studies, Mystic Aquarium’s Sea Research Foundation has submitted a research permit application to the US federal agency (NOAA Fisheries) with oversight responsibility for cetaceans to re-home five beluga whales born at Marineland Canada to the aquarium's world-renowned Connecticut care facility. Dr. Tracy Romano, VP of biological research and chief scientist discusses the permitting process and the need for ongoing conservation research into beluga behavior and physiology in response to growing anthropogenic stressors like ship traffic, noise, pollution, and degrading habitats.
Listeners are encouraged to read the application and to submit supportive comments in favor of NOAA granting the permit during the public comment period through early December.
Plus, American Humane shares an update on the work of their emergency teams from the hurricane-devastated Bahamas.
And, an all new That Sounds Wild: baby squirrel monkey. Wildlife World Zoo and Aquarium.
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