Over the course of the past six months, we have gone through the process of rebranding our entire company. We went from a personal brand “Charfen” to a corporate brand “Simple Operations.”
It took us a while but we figured out that our personal brand was causing more confusion than clarity and making it difficult to work with us. It has been a huge eye-opener. I'm looking forward to sharing the lessons we learned and why we did this with you, it may help you in your business.
Our entrepreneurial journey doesn't end here! Be sure to check out our Facebook Community filled with entrepreneurs just like you who are getting into momentum and building world-changing empires ---> https://charfen.com/community
If you are an entrepreneur who is listening in and you can relate, then be sure and head over to https://momentumplanner.com/mps and gain access to one of the most requested business tools to grow and scale your business in any market condition, even in this one.
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