I first became aware of Femi because I saw him speaking at length on the impending disaster of Brexit and I've dogged his career since then, desperate to try and untangle exactly why everything headed in the direction it did. Every time I think I've sort of solved the mystery and started to understand why the UK decided to vote as it did a new firework goes off in my head, usually with Femi lighting the flame.
Much like him, I was "radicalised" in the least scary sense of the word by Brexit... it enraged me to see so many people being led to believe that the country was trying to divest power back to the working class when it was so clear the opposite was happening. And here we sit now, untangling the mess. The conversation is deep and gets murky, but ends with hope for a better future.
Speaking to someone as knowledgeable and frankly nice as Femi was a total treat, I was really happy to sit down with him and get his thoughts down on record- but it also gave me a taste of what I hope I make other people feel - understood, validated and sane in a world that just seems to keep on throwing madness bombs at us.
We also touch on the madness of a PM who spouts far right conspiracy theories which led to today's mobbing of Keir Starmer- and how that contributes to the disinformation age that ushered Brexit in.
Femi can be found on twitter, Tiktok and instagram at @femi_sorry and he's a great lefty follow if you aren't already!!
Politically enraged is a passion project which has quickly taken over a huge portion of my life- the last year has been spent working towards creating this podcast and the blog, to help people understand politics and political discourse and feel supported to fight back.
The blog is regularly updated with articles about current events, and can be found at www.politicallyenraged.com -you can find me on social media - @daviemoo and @politicalragers on twitter, @daviemoo and @politicallyenraged on instagram and I finally started a Ko-fi for people who want to support me- found at:
Remember- stay politically engaged and get politically enraged, and let's make the world a better place together!
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