Welcome back to ArtBeat Radio! We have a new logo! We held a contest back in August of 2021 to discover our new logo. A panel of judges looked through the 26 submissions and determined that there was a tie between ART Center artists, Julianna Gallardo and Matthew Campano. They collaborated with a professional graphic designer and put their two pieces together to create a final logo. We couldn’t decide on just one, so we have a 3-logo suite to choose from, dependent on the ArtBeat Radio project. Keep an eye out for all of our new 2022 creations! Thank you to Julianna and Matthew for this album artwork! Thanks for listening and tune in next time! For more information about our organization, please visit our website www.ableartswork.org Audio Transcription: (Please listen on Podomatic or Spotify to view the full transcript) *Intro music by ArtBeat Radio staff* Music, stories, and more! You’re listening to ArtBeat Radio, a program of Able ARTS Work. Brian: We welcome you to ArtBeat Radio. In this episode, we interviewed Julianna and Matthew, the logo contest winners for ArtBeat Radio! We asked all kinds of questions regarding the logo contest. We hope you enjoy it. Renee: The logo consists of a radio tower with lightning bolts as radio waves that Julianna drew and Matthew wrote out ArtBeat Radio in his own style. Matthew: My name is Matthew and I won the logo contest! Julianna: Name is Julianna. The logo. Stephanie: Hello everyone! Julianna: Oh hi! Stephanie: My name is Stephanie Monis and I would like- Matthew: Hi Stephanie Stephanie: - to welcome everyone to the interview. Matthew and Julianna, welcome. How long have you been with the company? Matthew: 3 years. Stephanie: 3 years? Heidi: What about you Julianna? How long have you been coming to ART Center? Julianna: It's really long. Heidi: A long time? John: Really long? Julianna: A long time! Oh yeah. Brian: How did you win the contest? Matthew: Because I draw. Brian, I have to draw. Renee: How did you feel when you won the contest? Matthew: Me, me, me! Renee: Matthew. Matthew: I'm feeling happy! Renee: same question, Julianna. Julianna: I feel good. Happy. Renee: Good! Congratulations. Matthew: Thank you. Renee: You too, Julianna. Alison: How did you get into your process? Matthew: I use my markers to draw stuff- items! The logo items! Stephanie: What is it like working with a professional graphic designer? Matthew: Happy! Stephanie: Happy? Julianna: It's happy. Stephanie: Happy? Julianna: Ah, yes! Brian: How long did the process take while working with the graphic designer? Matthew: Easy. It's easy. Take long time. Renee: What were your inspirations for your art submission, Matthew? Matthew: ArtBeat Radio logo. I think it had a sound! Renee: What kind of sound, Matthew? Matthew: Music! Renee: Okay. Julianna, what were your inspirations for your art submission? Julianna: I could hear a sound. Heidi: Also a sound? Julianna: Ah, yes! Radio. Heidi: Radio? Julianna: Yeah. Alison: How long have you been creating art? Matthew: Long time! I know, I know! Long time! Heidi: Have you been drawing since you were little? Julianna: Yes. Oh yes. I've been drawing. Drawing, painting, watercolor and colored pencil. Matthew: I started out with Garfield, hills, Bernie, Cabrillo, and Tucker! Heidi: that’s what you started with? Matthew: A lot! Stephanie: In what way did the art classes here at ART Center help you? Matthew: I know. Being an artist! John: Helped you to be an artist, Matthew? Matthew: Yeah! Julianna: Papers, pencil. Heidi: So, they helped you with paper and pencil? Julianna: Yes. John: So, supplyi(continued)
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