“The only proper Christian response to any Theology, Philosophy, Ideology, Psychology, or Sociology must be what does the Bible say?” - Dustin Bench
In this episode of Kitchen Table Theology, Pastor Jeff Cranston tests Jen Denton’s Biblical knowledge of the end times. Will anyone depart from the faith in the end times? Is there going to be another flood? Follow along and see how many questions you get right!
[00:01] A Quiz on the End Times
- Jesus told his disciples, that famine, pestilence, and earthquakes would be signs that the end was near
- The disciples were curious about Christ's second coming and the end times
- The earth shall pass away, but not Heaven
- There will be a time of restitution for all things
- The earth and the works of man will be destroyed by another flood
- Jesus explained that there would first be tribulation and then the heavens would be shaken
- We know we are in the last days because there are many antichrists in the world
- Christians cannot be deceived by the false prophets and the false Christs
- The identity of the Antichrist will be revealed before the end
- In the end times, no one will depart from the faith
- In the last days, perilous times will come
- Paul told Timothy, that a time would come when the church would not endure sound doctrine
- As the false prophets arise and deceive men, sin will increase and love will decrease
- In the last days, the Lord will remove His Spirit
- When Christ returns, He will find people taking part in normal daily functions
- The Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world, before the end will come
- We are not to be watching for the end times, but living our lives one day at a time
- The end of all things is now at hand
[23:40] Closing Up
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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!