hour one:
august blume asks john coltrane about johnny hodges and lester young in 1958
"the eclipse" david heatley
"life our own way" david heatley
"hermit crabs" noisukka
"lintiri teperoli" reynols
"climbing a ramp" guided by voices
"just cause" senor salty balls
"house of doors" bomis prendin
"tuggin for the man" slw & bbjr
"squeezing through the penance stone" carrom
"del barranco al rio" hari sima
"alley vultures" northern jaw
"rock my mind" david heatley
hour two:
"blowing off the world" david heatley
'un occhio della testa " manulal of errors
"passion" ben salter
"no jams" richard youngs
"still" tom moody and the all new greatest hits band
"unchristened" crushed by pimps
"mal-absorbtion" sunk heaven
"pissin white light" david heatley
"moonbeam" the bischoffs
"riding across the oceans on the back of a kind old sea turtle" puppet midnight
"ples (dance)" [live at muzicki biennale zagreb 1983] trobecove krusne peci
"last days of new pompeii" the black dotz
"mired in muskeg" muskeg mudsuck
"unexpected peace 2" +dog+
"atrium" ray shinn
"I am not insane" the bischoffs
hour three:
"davey curlijets" david heatley
"dreadless" mythless
"auras" furtherset
"all hallows eve" tim holehouse
"neighbors will get pissed man on a saturday night 2" (prac prolly at quinn's house, late 1984) treacherous jaywalkers
"principles" david heatley
"sexified" david heatley
"the way to the way to the way" thollem
"on your side" david heatley
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