The three little words that Guild Wars 2 fans are happy to hear: "Two more days." Amazingly, this is the very final GuildCast... before launch -- sorry couldn't resist -- and there's plenty to chew on. A mighty six hour stress test went on yesterday. The two hour extension being a pleasant bonus for many, particularly as there was a bunch of new stuff to play around with. How did your stress test go? Players everywhere became dancing, dancing, dancing machines with the new emotes. From the Haka to the LMFAO dance, characters could be seen getting down with their bad selves all across Tyria. Was it a nimble-footed phenomenon? Or were pairs of two left feet being stomped on? There was also the awesome reveal that the watery fourth sPvP was up and running. What did the gang think of the combative addition? The Twilight Arbor was unveiled thanks to a recent PC Gamer video, mild spoilers were present for the ongoing story of Destiny's Edge -- Logan and Rytlock sitting in a tree, W H I N I N G --and we got a look at what to expect in the level 50 dungeon. Does it look as impressive as the Ascalonian Catacombs? We have a happy bunch of viewer's questions to answer, in addition to all our musings on the last week. Filling in the boxes we have GAMEBREAKER's Gary Gannon, the repository of precociousness Richie "Bogotter" Procopio and the definition of effortless elan Elisabeth Cardy -- both of Massively -- for this week's GuildCast!
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