This episode discusses a three-page section of Leslie Scalapino’s “‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’” — the passage having been chosen by the poet for It’s Go in Horizontal: Selected Poems, 1974-2006. Close listening and close reading: surely some manner of these, both, are required by every Leslie Scalapino work. The PoemTalk group sought to respect this in the very way in which they moved through the poem’s nonsequential parts and themes and offering of language problems. The poem is utterly political and supremely theoretical at once. No orderly proceeding through the poem beginning to end, nor any confident sense of the poem’s tone (about its borrowing of words and phrases), would disclose those remarkable qualiies. So, called upon by the poem’s “dis-placing” of its own parts, the group ventures toward its front lines, and then back again behind them. What “can’t” this poet do?
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