We are back with the yellow tux man himself, Jesse Cole, who keeps his baseball team and stadium sold out over a year out and is out to change the face of baseball. How? By not making it about baseball, but about entertainment, experience, relationships and memories. Our main interview with him was in show #603 on how to stand out and be different...and how placing your relationships first...are such massive opportunities for success. In this show we follow the seven spokes in the Ziglar Wheel of Life and find out Jesse’s habits for success. He runs everyday but struggles with his nutrition, which I would too if my life was in a baseball stadium surrounded by hotdogs and nachos! He writes 10 ideas per day to further grow that muscle in his brain, and if you listen to show 603 you will realize the guy is an idea factory! You’ll also hear he and his wife weathered going from zero debt and living in their dream house to $1.8 million in debt. But have now come out on top. It’s a great conversation folks. Get Jesse’s book, “Find Your Yellow Tux” at http://findyouryellowtux.com/.
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