You are about to get convicted on the need to...stand out from the crowd. There are very few things where you can honestly say you are the best. But you can always find a way to be different. You must. So I have a treat for you. A guy who did it in an amazing way...with a low level baseball team. It’s a movie worthy story. I attended Social Media Marketing World in San Diego in early 2018 and saw this guy walking by in...a bright yellow tux. I think you could have seen him from outer space. And my mom says, “Oh, I’ve got to introduce you to Jesse! We walk over and get an introduction to...Jesse Cole. Later I get the story from my Dad. Jesse took a college league baseball team in Savannah Georgia that was having maybe a couple hundred people attend a given game, and...he went nuts. He decided to make the event about family and entertainment, with a little baseball thrown in. A couple short years later, they pack out EVERY game with over 4,000 people and are sold out a year ahead! He has two teams now and much more coming in the future. It’s just an amazing, and true story. Kind of where the truth is stranger and more glorious than fiction. Going from a nice living to going a million in debt and living on ramen noodles, literally, to now being poised to change baseball as we know it. Really, you’ve got to hear what is happening. But what’s best is, you’ll smile and be massively inspired. Jesse has inspired do some things differently. Better. Invest in relationships more. You’ll want to hear this. I’d encourage you to get his book, “Find Your Yellow Tux” How To Be Successful by Standing Out” - get it at or wherever you buy books.
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