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🔴Monday March 14th 2022
🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況
1️⃣Iran v. Saudi Arabia: after the kingdom’s mass execution…
伊朗 vs. 沙烏地阿拉伯:在沙國大規模行刑處決後…
Iran suspended talks with Saudi Arabia. The negotiations were aimed at containing regional proxy conflicts. No reason was given, but the rupture came a day after Saudi Arabia executed 81 people…
在沙烏地阿拉伯處決了 81人的第二天,伊朗毫無預警地暫停了與沙國的談判,而該談判旨在遏止區域代理人之衝突…
2️⃣Russian separatists: can't teach an old dog new tricks
Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, said that Russia was trying to create “pseudo-republics” in Ukraine to break the country apart. In a video posted on Saturday evening, Mr Zelensky called on regions captured by Russian forces, such as Kherson, not to repeat the “sad experience” of Donetsk and Luhansk…
烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基表示俄羅斯正試圖在烏克蘭建立“偽共和國”以分裂烏國。在上週六 (3月12日) 晚上發佈的一段短片中,澤倫斯基呼籲被俄羅斯軍隊佔領的地區 (例如赫爾松,烏國一海港城) 不要重蹈頓內次克 (Donetsk) 以及盧干斯克 (Luhansk) 的“悲慘經歷”…
3️⃣Jake Sullivan v. Yang Jiechi: you again…
蘇利文 vs. 楊潔篪:冤家路窄…
Jake Sullivan, America’s national security adviser, will meet Yang Jiechi, a senior Chinese official, in Rome on Monday. The White House announced the meeting as part of “ongoing efforts” to…
美國國家安全顧問蘇利文 (Jake Sullivan) 將於週一 (3月14日) 在 (義大利首都) 羅馬會見中國高級官員楊潔篪 (現職中共中央外事工作委員會辦公室主任)。白宮宣佈此次會議是“持續努力”的一部分…
🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條
🇮🇳🇮🇳Inflation looms in India
Oil prices may be soaring but in India the cost of fuel has not budged—yet. India imports around 85% of its black stuff but state-owned fuel companies have resisted putting up prices for more than four months, in part because of looming state elections. But last week the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party secured a big electoral success in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state; fuel prices are expected to rise any day. This will do nothing to help the post-covid economic recovery, but it will add to growing concerns over inflation…
正當油價恐狂飆之際,印度的燃料成本尚未出現變化。印度進口約 85% 的黑色燃料 (石油、煤炭等),但其國營的燃料公司四個多月以來卻部分出於即將舉行的邦選舉,而一直拒絕提高售價。不過,執政的印度人民黨 (BJP) 在該國人口最多的北方大邦 (Uttar Pradesh) 贏得重大的勝選後,燃料價格預計將在未來任一天上漲。這不但無助於疫情後的經濟復甦,且會加劇人們對通膨的擔憂…
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