Thanks for joining me today, finding inner peace. Today I AM forgiving myself. I forgive how hard I am on myself. I forgive my old thoughts. I forgive my old beliefs. I forgive being fearful of my thoughts. I forgive my thoughts controlling me. I forgive my unloving thoughts. I forgive believing the lies, I tell myself. I love myself. I love me. I love that I can change my past thoughts. I love myself. I love everyone. I love everything. What are you forgiving? What are you letting go? Let me know, let's find inner peace together. This is my routine, this is what works for me, for finding my inner peace. Join me, follow me, lets forgive together. All you need is a pen and paper, and 15 - 20 minutes, (hopefully) but you can change my routine to fit your lifestyle. Pick one topic or word to forgive, start small, the tv remote, car keys, a word you don’t use very often etc. Put you can move mountains. Write down every thought about the tv remote or your topic that your forgiving. After about 5 minutes of writing down your forgiveness. Go over it, look at everything you wrote down. Now that you have looked it over, take a couple of minutes and write what you love about the topic. Now you see it differently, you have a whole new perspective of it. Then throw it out. The feeling of throwing out the paper is to symbolize you letting go of these thoughts. Then find a safe comfortable location to meditate for 5 minutes, forgiving all thoughts that come to your awareness. Forgiveness is the key, Forgiveness will set you free. Forgiveness is the key to seeing love again. You are LOVE. Always remember to make time for yourself. Have the greatest day ever, you found inner peace. You don't have to fight your thoughts anymore. Just forgive them, you might have to do this 8 times a day for weeks even months. But after you will have moved a mountain. You can do anything, proud of YOU!!!!! love and peace.
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