It's always fun to film an episode with someone who you both know and like, both as an archetype and a person: smart, eloquent people are the best and OpenBookshelf is a fabulous example of someone who is smart, funny and who articulates her points perfectly. I first became aware of her via TikTok thanks to some content she'd made about the nature of politics as an entity that exists beyond our borders and I've stayed tuned and listened to her speak on a wealth of topics. I recommend following her if you'd like to learn but feel valued at the same Time! Today's episode is a discussion of fact: we are under an authoritarian government and in fact a regime, no matter which way it's spun. But why don't people care? Listen to us unpack that, try to grab an understanding of how we deal with those who just cant afford to engage with politics and how we move forward as a country and as a group of people desperately in need of change.
Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.
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