On 9.15.19, Adele Calhoun guided us as we sought to make meaning of our experiences through the lens of Christ's life. She guided us in the following questions.
- What narratives and slogans have shaped my life?
- What fears have authored my story?
- What is the deeper Exodus story behind my roles, titles, degrees, successes, losses, joy, etc. How did I get from somewhere to somewhere else?
- Where have I had moments when I felt the Spirit descend on me and affirm me in a calling or direction? (Matthew 3:13-17)
- When was I in a time of testing and tempted to take control of my life rather than trust God? (Luke 4:1-13)
- What are my wilderness seasons? How did God work in these for my good? My growth? And His glory? (Luke 4:1-13)
- Where have people figuratively tried to throw me off a cliff? (Luke 4:14-30)
- What are my mounts of Transfiguration? (Mark 9:2-10)
- Where have I experienced betrayal? (Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50)
- When have I had mini-gardens of Gethsemane? (Matthew 26:36-46)
- When have I died on my own mini-crosses? (John 19:16-37)
- What are resurrection moments in life? (John 20:1-18)