Abortion is not birth control. It’s murder.
“My body, my choice” ends when there is a separate body. Your baby’s body is not your body.
Is it science or is it deceitful manipulation?
Was Roe V. Wade actually law or was it unconstitutional based on manipulated shallow science?
Life begins at conception. That’s biological fact. However, the argument was presented that if you would remove the fetus from the womb at a certain point it would die and therefore not be able to sustain life. In their reasoning this made a fetus not a person.
So why do we grieve miscarriages if a fetus is not a person? Why do we mourn the loss of life if, by this reasoning, the baby was not a person?
Not only that but abortion means to get rid of, which means there had to be something to begin with—an admission that life exists in its own definition.
Abortion is not a State issue, it’s not even a “social” issue. Life for the unborn falls within Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness which our Constitution protects.
Roe V. Wade was a deceptive law that was not law at all. It’s been an excuse for evil to run rampant and life that should be protected by our Constitution to be extinguished under the guise that it is not life.
Evil has been alive for so long that it has tricked society into celebrating one of the most evils—believing it is okay to take the life from the most innocent.
Celebrating and fighting for abortion is not advocating for a right to choose. It’s advocating for the slaughter of millions. The right to choose happened at conception, not after.
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