"Technology was not meant to replace face-to-face interaction, it was meant to enhance it." - George Couros reflecting on a message his parents taught him
Because we have access to technology, we are able to make stronger connections and come together if we choose to use it with this intention. How do we develop compassion and empathy and use technology to develop connections with our learners and with other educators? This is the guiding question to this conversation with Stacey Roshan, author of Tech with Heart!
Stacey Roshan Twitter - https://twitter.com/buddyxo
Stacey Roshan LinkTree - https://linktr.ee/staceyroshan
Techie Musings (Stacey Roshan) - https://techiemusings.com/
Tech With Heart (on Amazon) - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1949595285?&linkCode=sl1&tag=staceyroshan-20&linkId=4374d024b1b3c01ff2aaa9dc50678578&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
#OurVoice - George Couros TEDx Talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZQKD83rsPw
"Technology was not meant to replace face-to-face interaction, it was meant to enhance it." - George Couros
"Everybody loses when we don't hear from everybody in the room." -Stacey Roshan
"Rest breeds creativity." -Stacey Roshan
Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset.
More at georgecouros.ca
George Couros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gcouros
George Couros on Instagram: https://instagram.com/gcouros
George Couros on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgecourosauthor/
George Couros on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/george-couros-a5146519
For the full audio podcast: https://linktr.ee/gcouros
Because of a Teacher - https://www.amazon.com/dp/194833433X?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d
The Innovator's Mindset: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0986155497?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d
Innovate Inside the Box: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1948334127?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d
Music from Bensound - http://bensound.com/
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