This is The Beer Is Fundamentals Show and we want to welcome you once again to the NeighBeerHood where craft beer is always the talk of the town. You have probably had the Belgian Tripel and may not know the key ingredients to making such an amazing beer. You may also be one of the many who mispronounce it. Tripel is a beer full of ester aromas and flavors. So much so that the esters primarily define the style. Tripels are also not three times anything. Confusing that fact, there is another Belgian style of beer called a dubbel, which is pronounced like double. We have a great discussion on this while drinking the The WAY Tripel by Bold Monk out of Atlanta. We also discuss some of the great beer festivals happening around the country. Make sure to check out our previous episode. Remember, we will always focus on craft beer more than anything else. We believe that craft beer should be inclusive to all. The craft beer community is an important one and we want to see craft beer continue to grow. Cheers!
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