Rooster Talk Episode 60 is with David Riekie, Executive Director - Adavale Resources Limited (ASX: ADD)
The Dominant land holding in the East African Nickel Belt.
David Riekie, the Executive Director of Adavale Resources update us on the exploration activities of the company. It has been a while since we had Adavale on the Samso platform.
This episode of Rooster Talk is all about the East African Nickel Belt. As in all of the exploration stories that have merits, the process is usually lengthy and is filled with ups and downs. Over the years of hearing all sort of stories, the ones that reap rewards have always been the nondescript types. Their process is always very subtle to silent and then a discovery happens. When that happens, investors get the feeling that it is an overnight success.
Trust me, it is never an overnight success. The easiest example is the discovery made by Galileo Mining Limited (ASX: GAL) - Galileo Mining Limited (ASX: GAL) - Palladium Discovery - Persistent Mineral Exploration Rewarded.
I do feel that Adavale falls into this type of category. Great exploration potential in a known Nickel belt. AS we discover in this episode of Rooster Talk, Adavale is all about the East African Nickel Belt.
I have interviewed many companies with different stories but the ones that are most memorable are the green roots categories. These are the stories that need strong minds and character and a focused management for success. Management need to be believers of the story. As I heard from a recent podcast, Entrepreneurs need to believe their own Bull#@&t.
Adavale is a story that has been developing for over 12 months and if you look over the recent videos with Allan Ritchie, the focus on developing the Tanzanian assets have not changed.
In this episode, David highlights that the East African Belt is the key to the Adavale story. What we need to appreciate is that this belt could be the Kambalda Nickel Belt.
04:59 How Geophysics is helping Adavale.
07:22 The refinement with Geophysics
10:09 How should investors capture the Adavale Story?
13:46 What has the feedback been from investors?
16:44 What is the Jurisdiction standing?
20:04 How has the market turbulence affected Adavale?
22:59 What is the News flow for investors?