Why a second article on confession? Learn about the relationship of private confession and absolution to the general or public confession and absolution of the Divine Service, whether we need private confession and absolution when we have the general confession and absolution in Church, how confession and absolution provides the cure of souls more than just the care of souls that you might get from counseling services, and what psychological benefits might come to a person who confesses and receives forgiveness. Also, hear why the Reformers make a big deal of stating that not only is confession retained, but that examination for the Lord's Supper is also retained, and why we ought to encourage and make use of examination.
Rev. Dustin Beck, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX, joins host Rev. Sean Smith to discuss Confession in Article XXV in the Augsburg Confession.
Find your copy of The Augsburg Confession - Concordia Reader's Edition at cph.org or read online at bookofconcord.org/augsburg-confession.
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