1. I've seen people on Reddit complaining that we've starting going out of order. We have not. We've simply had to put more time in between Main Series episodes because 087, 093, and 096 are so close together and HUGE, and we used the lead up to those as an opportunity to fulfill episode requests from patrons. We always return to where we left off.
2. Work on SCP-096 is in full swing. We'll need to take extra time to work on it, and so there may be a few weeks of no new episodes. However, 096 won't take NEARLY as much time to complete as 093.
"SCP-096 - The 'Shy Guy'" will be released in September of this year.
3. Beginning with SCP-096, we will begin adding an outro to the end of every episode with credits, social media stuff, and a mention of the Patreon in hopes of increasing patronage and listener interaction.
We will keep this as short as possible so as to not disrupt the flow of the podcast any more than is necessary. We don't -- and don't plan to -- include ads or regular cross-promotion on the Database, but growing the Patreon has been far too slow and we rely on it far too much for us to continue to promote it as little as we have been.
I hope this is a change everyone can embrace, or at least get used to. We've had reviews specifically citing out lack of ads and Patreon-pushing as a plus, but to be frank, I'd like to see them try running this kind of podcast without doing everything they can to keep it funded. It's, frankly, about time we did more.
Special thanks to new Patreon patrons Aikenova, Alex Yiap, Amelia Brownstein, BloodyRoses2, Brys Chiasson, Caden Supple, Chelsea Robinson, Chitoo120, CommanderAFurry, CrsedInferno, Dalunamastero, Denox the Shork, DetectivBananas, Garion Pankievich, Irokutara, John Paine, JonEvan Pomeroy, Kay MacKenzie, Luke Shackelford, Matthew Vanderwolf, Michael Loster, Montanam802, Nick Mita, Qc Lion, Rj Reid, Salty Buckets, Silvy, spikefire, The faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home, Tim Radeck, Tony O, Trinity, Truls Hagman, and Vizman-7. Consider becoming a supporter on Patreon: www.patreon.com/thescpfoundationdatabase
Listen and read along to a transcript of this episode on our website: www.scpdatapodcast.com/episodes/memorandum-07
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