Today, Astrologer, Eugenia Krok, MA went live to discuss the astrology of the week ahead including tonight's full moon in Aquarius. Here are a few key highlights:
The anxiety and scattered feelings of today (and this summer) is coming from Jupiter being in Aries and a lot of fire.
This upcoming full moon in Aquarius is illuminating the dark. When we are in our unconsciousness, we can’t see. Our behaviors, the way we act, are in darkness. Whatever is in the dark will get lit up.
Any unconscious things that we have been avoiding will now come into the light.
The adulting piece of this energy is coming from Saturn. The electricity and anxiety of Aquarius is wild right now.
This full moon will also illuminate last year’s experimentation and show us if our decisions were good or bad. We were all experimenting last year in our lives. The moon is squaring Uranus and the nodes. There is a lot of death and loss happening right now.
With the South Node in Scorpio, there is a lot of death and loss. Even though the sun is in Leo and it’s still summer, a part of our psyche is being pulled into darkness. We will feel lack of power, grief, death, and loss. There’s an urgency around adulting because we are feeling afraid.
There are eclipses coming in October and there will be a lot of big changes and energy coming. We as the adults living through this have to gracefully find a way to prepare financially, emotionally, and mentally.
The North Node has potential for abundance. Remember that it’s only through the roughness of Scorpio that we find growth. It’s a bridge to abundance. This is a seed planting time. Beauty comes from decay.
What is being illuminated with you from last year right now? Are you ready for this time?
Join Astrologer, Eugenia Krok, MA's weekly Instagram Lives on Thursdays at 12 noon MST on Instagram at @Accessible_Astrology.
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