In this episode of LIGHT TALK (After Dark), The Lumen Brothers (and SISTAH!) chat with renowned designer/programmer, Luther Frank.
Join Luther, Ellen, Steve, and David, as they pontificate about: What is Technoechophenomena?; Eccentric Art; Transitioning from college to New York City; What skills are necessary tpo be hired by Luther; Bi-directional teaching; The Battle of the Busk; Fun in Finland; Missing Hog Factor; New student experiences at LDI; Rejecting the paradigm of a division of labor; Holistic designing; The beginnings of Sovereign Candle; Surviving the Pandemic; Collectivist's model of design; The Lumen Brothers (and Sistah!)'s secret code for 50% off of the Lighting Programming Summit at LDI; Making your own luck; Embracing Chaos; and Who owns the Metaverse?
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.