>>>> Join me for the upcoming Design Your Bravest Business Year Yet!
Are you the bottleneck in your one-person business?
When the Big Vision doesn't pan out.
When to blame yourself, your circumstances or your strategy for not achieving your business goals?
If life keeps knocking you down, blaming yourself for your life circumstances isn't fair to you. It's also letting a whole of others off the hook. Start where you are. Bloom where you are planted.
If your life circumstances are not in the way, it's then either you or your strategy. My guess is before it's you, it's your strategy -- or, more common, your lack of one.
Your goals and vision require a strategy. The more clear you are on what that strategy is the more clear it is on what actions to take. You must know where you want to go and how you want to get there. Actions then become no brainers.
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