90% of life is outside your control – 95% of the reason you are exactly the way you are is because of things you can’t control. Your world is moving and changing constantly so letting go of the control allows the experience to shape you.
Giving your emotions to things you can’t control is giving the only control you have to the thing that's out of control – The only thing you have control of is your emotions. Give those away and what do you have left?
Emotions are just indicators - The only thing you can control, is your reaction to the information in front of you. The information in your mind is yours to play with. If you feel a certain way, that’s ok. Now use it to move forward.
If you give your control away, you're practicing reacting instead of responding – Reactions are practiced, and responses are overlooked. Looking at information that just “Is” give you time to sit and respond in a health way.
The only thing constant is change: You can only influence someone's behavior, but you will never control them. They can also never control you. If you do what they say, then they’re in a place of control. Do what’s right for you.